Digital Health Entrepreneurs Take a Stand for Authenticity

DENVER, CO — With startup culture on the rise across America, more and more entrepreneurs are realizing the importance of balancing their desire to consistently present an image of success with their very real, very human need for transparency.

Launched on the first day of this year’s Denver Startup Week, the photography project Impact Founder aims to encourage authentic conversations about the daily struggles that entrepreneurs face when trying to start a business.

“Entrepreneurs often internalize our challenges, and in extreme cases it can lead to depression and suicide,” Kristin Darga, the founder of Impact Founder, stated in a press release. ”We are creating a movement around authentic entrepreneurship, shifting the current conversation to build transparency among peers in the industry through sharing what’s really happening.”

Among the thirty-five entrepreneurs photographed in the first phase of the Impact Founder project were Mike Biselli, President of the upcoming digital health campus Catalyst HTI, as well as two of the winners of this year’s Digital Health Challenge, Cameron Powell of Physician Cognition, and John Schnipkoweit of

Darga envisions Impact Founder spreading to startup communities across the nation, and has created a Kickstarter campaign to help fund its expansion. She has also allowed CyberMed News to publish a selection of photos from this timely and relevant project, which features the previously mentioned digital health entrepreneurs, along with Colorado-based founders Amy Baglan of MeetMindful, Jackie Ros of Revolar, and Kathryn Roman of Denver Natural Mom.

The Photographs

The photos in this selection were taken by Shutterschwab Photography and Lynn Clark Portraits.


Cameron PowellR

Jackie RosR




Join these courageous founders in taking a stand for authenticity! Donate to Impact Founder on Kickstarter today, and help ensure that entrepreneurs across the nation are celebrated just as much for their successes as for the struggles that they overcome.

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